I Saw That!

One woman's opinions about popular entertainment.

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Amateur boxing coach, Christian (but not so heavenly-minded that I'm no earthly good) singer, writer, self-defense advocate, childfree. feminist www.smartwomenboxingtraining.org

Sunday, January 29, 2006

"Soul Man" (1997-1998)

Rev. Mike Weber (Dan Aykroyd) was a widowed Episcopal minister raising four kids: Kenny (Kevin Sheridan), age 14, Andy (Brendon Ryan Barrett), a slick 11 year old, Meredith, age 8, and Fred, the youngest. Mike had been a hell-raiser when he was younger, and was trying to be a role model for his kids. The opening credits showed the minister arriving for church on a motorcycle. Bishop Jerome (Dakin Matthews) was Mike's boss, who sometimes viewed him with skepticism, and Father Todd Tucker (Anthony Clark) was a goofy assistant minister who often made situations worse. Melinda (Bridgette Collins) and Nancy (Helen Cates) were possible love interests for Mike.

On the surface, this was a standard sitcom based around a family, with Aykroyd as the unlikely lead. This show was actually had a lot of funny moments, especially when provided by Barrett and Clark. There didn't seem to be enough of a push on ABC's part to promote the show, and it got lost in the schedule, lasting only a season.

Aykroyd is most famous for being one of the original Not Ready For Prime-Time Players, the first cast ever on the long running "Saturday Night Live" (1975-present). Clark's next sitcom was "Yes Dear" on CBS.  Mr. Matthews played Bree's pastor in a re-occurring role on "Desperate Housewives".



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